How to Get Involved!
Help Share Information About TakeCHARGE!
Become Part of the TakeCHARGE Leadership Team!
June 11, 18 and 25, 2024
Please check back soon for the next training!
This Summer You Can Become a TakeCHARGE Ambassador! Take the TakeCHARGE Ambassador Training this Summer!
Reach the public and share important information on how to become a prepared patient! Become a TakeCHARGE Ambassador and offer presentations virtually or in person at civic organizations, libraries, faith communities, businesses through Human Resources or anywhere people gather.
A TakeCHARGE Ambassador is a facilitator who can teach the simple but effective “5 Steps” of the Campaign — potentially life-saving information — to members of the community (who may become clients or even friends.)
Your own career goals and information can become part of a bigger presentation within the TakeCHARGE Campaign: 5 Steps to Safer Health Care presentation. Or, just become a TakeCHARGE Ambassador by learning the 5 Steps and how to present them to a variety of audiences.
No experience is necessary, but you must complete the TakeCHARGE Ambassador training.
The Training includes:
· Tips to presenting TakeCHARGE Campaign: 5 Steps to Safer Health Care
· TakeCHARGE 5 Steps information facts and stories
· PowerPoint presentation
· A full script to use with PowerPoint
· A full script to use without PowerPoint
and much more!
TakeCHARGE Ambassadors will be required to complete the training and agree to report where the program will be shared and how many people attended. They must also ensure that participant evaluations are completed. TakeCHARGE can be part of a larger presentation such as:
· Advocacy services
· Caregiver services
· Healthcare professionals
TakeCHARGE is great for schools, libraries, senior centers, and any place people gather!
Preregistration is required and you must plan to attend all three sessions.
Starting on Tuesdays, June 11th, June 18th and June 25th at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
TakeCHARGE Leaders attend meetings and share information with others Leaders.

Health Care Professionals:
- Print the TakeCHARGE information for your office for patients and staff (many people who work in health care are not prepared to be patients)
- Share information with your patients and their families
- Share the 5 Steps and spread the word—through social media, a press release, presentations, or word-of-mouth—that you want your patients to TakeCHARGE
Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and CEOs:
- Distribute TakeCHARGE Campaign information to your staff for them and their family
- Invite speakers to talk to your staff each month on the topic of the month
- Remember: better-prepared employees and family members mean less lost work time and improved performance!

Community Members:
- Become a TakeCHARGE Ambassador and share this information
- Create community presentations or invite speakers to events
- Shoot videos of your friends and neighbors talking about TakeCHARGE. What did they do, why did they do it?
- Share on social media, develop fun information such as memes; look for articles about each of the 5 Steps, and share them!
Start a TakeCharge Team!
Support the campaign and spread the word!
Be sure to let us know what you are doing!
If you want help in developing a presentation or press release, contact [email protected] or call (516) 579-4711.